The Rebirth of the Traditional Novelist
Charlie Newton · thriller writer
An agented and decorated thriller writer was underwhelmed with his experiences as a midlist author at traditional houses. He approached Girl Friday wanting something different and better for his fourth novel. The biggest challenge? He did not have a meaningful audience of readers or followers he could remarket to. Oh, and then COVID-19 hit . . .
The Client
Charlie Newton, an agented and decorated thriller writer with three titles published by traditional houses (Simon & Schuster, Doubleday, and Thomas&Mercer), wanted something different for the release of his fourth book, Privateers. Having been a writer for decades, Newton, like many authors, was frustrated and underwhelmed with his declining experiences as a midlist author at traditional houses. Facing dwindling advances and an increasing lack of marketing support, he set out to find a better way to get his work into readers’ hands. He connected with renowned publishing consultant Jane Friedman, who recommended Girl Friday as a reputable full-service self-publishing firm.
Newton has an unpublished catalog of eleven finished manuscripts, all of which he intended to release independently if the model should prove successful for him. Prior to contracting, we consulted with him in depth. He expressed his career intention to earn a positive return on his up-front investment, and we discussed our expectations for Privateers as well as for subsequent titles. By the time Newton signed with Girl Friday, we had a clear agreement of what success would look like—both for this book and for the subsequent arc of his releases.
The Problem to Solve
One of the biggest challenges for Newton was that, despite having published three prior books, he did not have a meaningful audience of readers that he ”owned” in any way (i.e., connected through social following, an email list, etc.). Because he had not captured his reading audience on his owned platforms, there was no way to remarket directly to those readers who had loved his prior books. Additionally, Newton purposefully keeps a low online profile. He expressed from the outset that he was not interested in engaging in social media marketing in any organic way.
“I know zero authors who feel their publisher lived up to their book-promo promises. Girl Friday did the opposite. They crafted realistic, clear, and trackable success metrics—grownup, businesslike responses—then executed them, and still are.”
—Charlie Newton
Finally, though we did not know it when we embarked on the project, COVID-19 would hit a week before Privateers was due to release, upending the marketplace in a massive and unpredictable way.
#1 Amazon Bestseller in International Mystery and Crime
#1 Amazon Bestseller in Vigilante Justice
Winner of First Place in Thriller/Adventure Category of American Book Fest’s International Book Awards
Winner of the Reader’s Favorite Gold Medal for Thriller-General Category
Kindle Book Awards Semifinalist for Cover Design (to date, winner TBA)