#1 Amazon bestseller and winner of American Book Fest’s International Book Award

New York Times bestseller

Optioned for film

“I wouldn't have a brand without my books. They are 100% the reason people listen to what I have to say. The reality is, if you have a book, you're more of an expert than the person who doesn't. It's that simple.”
Jeremy Darlow, marketing executive and consultant

Winner of 6 major book awards, including the PW and Booklife Selfies Award for Best Adult Fiction

Winner of Gold IPPY Award for Best Regional E-book in Nonfiction

Featured on Good Morning America

Story Circle’s Women’s Book Award finalist

“Having a book like mine out in the world has proven to be a very powerful vehicle for connecting with people in a surprisingly deep way.”
Roy Sekoff, Huffington Post cofounder

Winner of 3 awards and featured in People Magazine

Winner of 9 awards including Eric Hoffer Grand Prize Shortlist

Winner of Indie BRAG Award

“The book is exactly as I wanted it to be. And from the messages I've received, I know that many readers have found some joy in a simple thing like a book during this time of darkness.”
Rhona Weaver, award-winning novelist

Winner of Silver IPPY Award for Best Adult Nonfiction Informational E-Book

10 international editions

“If I had a glass of wine in my hands at the moment, I’d raise a toast to all of you!”
Judi Merriam, grief activist

Winner of Bronze Axiom Award for Best Business Commentary and Silver Foreword Indies Book Award for Social Sciences

Winner of 4 awards including Gold IPPY for Psychology/Mental Health

Proud to be the production partner of Bindery Books, the groundbreaking membership platform that lets tastemakers become publishers. We work with scores of other companies and publishers to produce branded books for their lists.
Our team has collectively produced and published thousands of distinctive books, and our titles appear across the globe and in over a dozen languages.
The Rebirth of the Traditional Novelist
An agented and decorated thriller writer was underwhelmed with his experiences as a midlist author at traditional houses. He approached Girl Friday wanting something different and better for his fourth novel. The biggest challenge? He did not have a meaningful audience of readers or followers he could remarket to. Oh, and then Covid-19 hit…
From the Great Wheel to the Great Read
Books can form the basis of a profitable and unique ancillary product line, whether your main business is finance, cannabis sales, or tourism. Girl Friday helped one client, heavily invested in Seattle’s famed waterfront properties, to create a branded product line of keepsake children’s and coffee-table books.
Publishing Led by Design
The author approached us with a memoir that reads like a novel, with communists, crime bosses, and romance, too. Added to that was a treasure trove of photos and illustrations that begged to be showcased in full color. Challenge accepted.